Funeral Consumers Alliance of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties
(formerly Funeral and Memorial Planning Society)
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to simple, dignified, and economical funeral arrangements, serving Santa Clara and San Mateo counties in Northern California.
The organization could accomplish more and do it faster, if we had more people pitching in a few hours a month to help out. Here are the committees and volunteer jobs available.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have listed three of these volunteer openings at present with Northern Santa Clara County RSVP or you can apply by email directly to the office manager. RSVP offers more benefits to volunteers if you apply through them, such as mileage reimbursements and insurance, however you have to be over 55. We want to warn you that if you accept a volunteer position at our office, it is not handicapped accessible as it is on the second floor and there is no elevator. However, most of these jobs can be done at your home.
Office Assistant: General assistance in filing, updating members’ files, getting out the mail, copying, working as a team with the office manager. Work from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. one day a week, twice a month, or once a month.
Computer Work: This is sporadic work for special projects. Must know word processing and/or data entry and/or a page layout program. Do at home. We need flyers, brochures, handouts, mailing lists.
Speakers Bureau: Perfect for Bureau: Perfect for those with very good public speaking skills. Be trained about this organization, serve as an understudy to another Speakers Bureau member, and eventually go out alone and speak to other organizations about the importance of pre-planning.
Workshop Planner: Funeral Education Foundation needs someone to plan workshops and seminars, line up presenters and plan activities with a timeline, obtain the sites, determine how to publicize it, and make sure everything runs smoothly within budget.
Brochure Distribution: We badly need someone to coordinate distribution of FCA’s membership brochures and FEF’s Speaker’s Bureau brochures in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. Right now they are being placed at senior centers, libraries, hospices, and churches on an uncoordinated basis by mail or personally by volunteers. Much more could be done.
Board of Directors: We have 12 members who serve staggered three-year terms on the Board of Directors for FEF and FCA. They meet once a month in Palo Alto and serve on committees that meet in between to discuss and plan activities. Election is in March, but sometimes people do not finish their terms because of health or moving, so openings occur that are filled by appointment. Let us know if you would be interested to serve.
Committees: Members of FCA outside the Board
are invited to join a committee.
FEF Education | This encompasses publicity, marketing, advertising, speakers bureau, brochure creation and distribution, workshops, newsletter, and research like surveying costs. |
Mortuary Liaison | Visit and examine mortuaries or cemeteries, help with price surveys, keep up relations with mortuary owners, consider mortuary complaints or consumer issues, obtain agreements with mortuaries. |
Nominating Committee | Three-person committee to find two to four new board members a year. |
FCA Membership Committee | A Get new and continuing members involved, obtain new members. |
Annual Meeting Committee | Help plan and carry out the annual meeting in March. Bake cookies, make signs, register attendees, etc. |
Fund Raising Committee (not yet organized, need leadership) | Strategize how to support the organization, plan and help carry out projects. |
Main Page | Immediate Need | Planning | Members | Order Brochures | Join! | Volunteer Opportunities
Funeral Consumers Alliance
463 College Avenue (P.O. Box 60448)
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 321-2109 or (888) 775-5553 (Bay Area no toll)
Send email to FCA’s Office Manager.
office hours: Mon – Thursday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.